The active ingredient profile of our Maca Capsules is backed by University of Chile published studies, showing that our Maca Root is more effective than any commercially available extraction. Actually, Maca extracts have been proven to be NOT as effective as the Maca Capsules we offer here at the shop. As a result, our capsules have been changed from our 5:1 extract to a combination of pure, unadulterated, Alpine Certified Organic Maca root powder from both Chile as well as our Private Reserve Farm in Peru. This ensures that all of the benefits of this exotic herb can be enjoyed to their fullest and just as Nature intended. Speaking of, Maca is an ancient and revered adaptogen and aphrodisiac treasured by the Incans. Cultivated for over 6,000 years, Maca is known as a "Superfood", providing sustained physical energy. It is also famous because many claim it is nature's answer to Viagra. Rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, sterols, and alkaloids, which are essential to sustained energy and healthy bodies. Just 3 capsules a day is the recommended dose for a more energetic and healthier you. This is actually one of our favorite products we offer here at the shop. Instead of reaching for a Mars bar, grab a few capsules of Maca. Besides being one of the world's most perfect and potent herbal supplements for your body, reports across the world speak of how Maca is truly Nature's answer to Viagra, but without the side-effects and without having to deal with pharmaceutical companies! These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Sometime in 2007, the quality of extracts that we demand in relation to Maca Extracts became almost impossible to source and/or craft, so we decided, as we often do to find a source for the most potent Maca Root we could find. |